Dalechampia scandens L.
Filed As
Dalechampia scandens L. -
L. Coradin 678, 15 Oct 1977
Brazil. Roraima. On an Azimuth of 59º 5' from Boa Vista at a distance of 50 km (BR-401). Fazenda Quixabeira.
NY Barcode: 02431418
Occurrence ID: 584ba148-d5c3-4400-a327-a4a98c5b494a
All Determinations
South America
On an Azimuth of 59º 5' from Boa Vista at a distance of 50 km (BR-401). Fazenda Quixabeira.
3.08205, -60.3463
Coordinate Uncertainty (m)
Georeferencing Method
Georeferencing Quick Reference Guide, Version 2012. Assumed "59º 5'" is a typo for "49º 5'", in accordance with other locality descriptions. Georeferenced to BR-401 at approximately 50 km NE - ENE of the approximate geographic center of the city of Boa Vista in Roraima, Brazil. Using Google Maps - Satellite View, located the city of Boa Vista. Used Canadensys Lat/Long Crosshairs to find the coordinates of the approximate geographic center of the city. Because the city has defined spatial boundaries on Google Maps, used the Distance Measurement Tool (Google Maps) to find the linear extent by measuring from the selected coordinates to the farthest extent of the city. Because azimuth 49 degrees 5 minutes is between 45 degrees (northeast) and 67.5 degrees (east northeast) and the locality description specifically states road BR-401, georeferenced to the location along the road between 50 km NE and 50 km ENE from the geographic center of Boa Vista. To find the 50 km NE offset coordinates, input coordinates (2.8178838, -60.7011768), offset direction (NE), offset distance (50 km), linear extent (9.67281 km), distance precision (10 km), and measurement error (0.0005 km) into the MaNIS Georeferencing Calculator, then repeated this step with an offset direction of ENE for the 50 km ENE offset. Plotted both sets of coordinates on Google Maps; used the Distance Measurement Tool (Google Maps) again to measure a straight line between the coordinates. Used Canadensys Lat/Long Crosshairs to find the coordinates along BR-401 between the two sets of offset coordinates. Used the uncertainty radius provided by MaNIS Georeferencing Calculator for the 50 km NE offset (the larger of the two uncertainty radii) and added the distance from the selected coordinates on the road to the farther set of offset coordinates (12.1761 km) to the final uncertainty (according to Georeferencing Quick Reference Guide, Offset: Offset at a heading).
Geodetic Datum
Field work supported by the Nacional Science Foundation and thè Qentro Nacional de Pesquisa Agropecuaria do Tropico Umidq EMBRAPA. NEW YORK BOTANICAL GARDEN 02431418 -fíew yorì botanical: gardeH Dalechampia The UC Davis Herbarium det. W. Scott Armbruster 5/2006 _THE NEW YORK BOTANICAL GARDEN INSTITUTO NACIONAL DE PESQUISAS DA AMAZONIA Plants of Rr»«Wan Amaaooia Territory of Roralma 678 Dalechampia On an Azimuth of 49° 5* from Boa Vista at a. distance of 50 kms. (BR 401) Fazenda Qulxabeira. altitude 120 m. Vine.Bracteas yellow, dry, sandy soil. Disturbed place. Specimen was preserved with 1.5% P entachbrphenol in alcohol. Euphorbiaceae Lldio Coradin & Manoel dps H* Cordeiro__15 Oct. 1977 02431418
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Dalechampia scandens L.