Carex umbellata Schkuhr ex Willd.

  • Filed As

    Carex umbellata Schkuhr ex Willd.

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 02642182

    Occurrence ID: 65b679da-3638-4e42-8ff9-ff28204724cd

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Plants of Illinois, USA
Carex pensvlvanica Lam.
Illinois: Will County
41.31308 ° Latitude -88.17712 0 Longitude
Quadrangle: Wilmington
T. 33N, R. 9E, SW 1/4 NE 1/4 Sect. 27
West side of Wilmington, IL; 0.7 mile east of Interstate-55 and 0.4 mile north of Strip Mine
Road. (WGS84/NAD83)
Highly rhizomatous sedge in degraded, dry to mesic sand prairie, with scattered low, mesic to
wet-mesic areas. Associates in very small open areas from where this specimen came, included:
Asclepias amolexicaulis, A. viridiflora, Carex annectans, C. longii. C. siccata, C swanii,
Catalpa speciosa, F.uthamia gvmnospermoides. Gavlussacia baccata. Helianthemum canadense.
Lechia tenuifolia, Lithospermum croceum. Luzula bulbosa. Moehringia lateriflora, Opuntia
humifnsa Panicum clandestimum. P. villosissimum. Poa pratensis. Prunus serótina. Quercus
vtintina Rosa Carolina. Rubus pensvlvanicus. Saponaria officinalis.
4987 Michael J. C. Murphy
7 June 2012
M. J. C. Murphy (ILLS)
Illinois Natural History Survey (ILLS)