Blakea subconnata O.Berg ex Triana

  • Filed As

    Blakea subconnata O.Berg ex Triana

  • Collector(s)

    A. H. Gentry 17741 with Mary Fallen, 15 Aug 1976

  • Location

    Colombia. Chocó. Río San Juan between Tado and El Tapón.

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 2685858

    Occurrence ID: d70171ca-453f-493e-b6ec-5e1874e26078

  • Feedback

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  • Region

    South America

  • Country


  • State/Province


  • Locality

    Río San Juan between Tado and El Tapón

  • Elevation

    Alt. 100 m. (328 ft.)

  • Distribution

    Map all specimens of this taxon

Al Gentry & Mary Fallen 17741 -^5 Aug. 1976
Di«lril.ul<-.l b> MisHourí Botaniral Canlen. Collrrted in rollal.nration mith Or. Knrique Forero of
the Inutiluw» .lo Ciencia* Natunle». l niver,i.l„.l Narional «le Colombia ICOL) under the au.pice»
of the NSr l.alin Ameriran Cooi-cralive S. ien, e l'mgram (DKB 75-20325) and Colciencia».
Tree 10 ra*,. calyces red, fruits reddish*
Blakeá subconnata Berg ex Triana var obtusata
Gleascjn det. Wurdack 1977
Río San Juan between Tado and El Tapón, alt. ca.
100 m., riverside pluvial forest.