Solanum americanum Mill.

Leaf tissue removed for DNA analysis
J. Mena-Ali - Franklin & Marshall College, USA
June 14, 20f&e/
Oregon State University
Flora of Oregon, U.S.A.
Solanum americanum Mill.
Lane Co., Oregon: Off of State Hwy. 126 at its junction
with Hill Road ca. 2.5 miles east of Florence. Elev. 6 m.
N 43° 49' 13.8” W 124° T 32"
Habitat: Disturbed burm by railroad tracks.
Taprooted annual; flowers white; fruits black when
mature, calyx not enlarged and enclosing base of berry.
Associated taxa: Daucus, Lapsana, Rumex, Cirsium,
Sonchus, Schedonorus.
Richard R. Halse 8733	26 Nov 2012