Psathyrella candolleana (Fr.:Fr.) Maire
Filed As
Psathyrella candolleana (Fr.:Fr.) Maire -
S. Lundell s.n., 29 Jul 1934
Sweden. Uppsala. Bondkyrka. near Upsala.
NY Barcode: 03028118
Occurrence ID: ece69563-6957-4ada-90df-3c6fd6c86fbf
All Determinations
Bondkyrka. near Upsala
UEW VOR* botanicaL ga*vz* in cvi o J>> m u © U CCS PH 6. Hypholoma Candolleanum Fries, Epicr. Syst. Mye. 224. 1838. (plate 26, fig. 12; plate 27, fig. 18; plate 28, fig. 29) Pileus 5-10 cm. broad, convex, sub-campanulate, finally ex- landed, hygrophanous, bay or date-brown when young and . loist, becoming white with yellow or ochraceous center when i ry, smooth or faintly striate on the margin, frequently splitting longitudinally and with the margin upturned; context sub- membranous, thin, white; gills adnexed, and broadly sinuate behind, close, narrow, violet-tinted in young plants, later cinna- mon-brown or purplish-brown; stem 5-7 cm. long, 3-7 mm. thick, glabrous or at times fibrillose, hollow, striate above, easily splitting longitudinally, white; veil adorns .young plants as a thin, white, woven membrane; spores 8-9 X 4-5 ju, smooth, elliptic; cystidia on edge of gills, subcylindric, sub-ventricose, projecting 20-35 /x, 9-11 n in width. Habitat: On ground about very rotten logs or stumps. Habit: Caespitose or scattered. Type locality: Sweden. Distribution: New York, Pennsylvania, Maryland, District of Columbia, Illinois, and Washington. Illustrations : Britzelmayer, Hym. pi. 309, fig. Ill; Cooke, 111. Brit. Fungi pi. 546 [586\; Corda, Ic. pi. 63, fig. 8; Harper, Trans. Wise. Acad. Sci. 17: pi. 83B. See H. appendiculatum Bull, ex Fries for data as to the dif- ferences between this species and H. incertum Peck. I'hjjAjJL /$/ /f/ji (Ml TÍÍÍÍéI FUNGI EXSICOATI SUECIOI, PILESERTIM UPSALIENSES. Ed. cur. Seth Lundell et J. A. Nannfeldt. $ o* •OTanicaL 128. Hypholoma Oandollianum (Fr., Syst. myc. I p. 296, sub Agarico). On or near decaying stumps of Populus Iremula, also on rich soil close to stumps of frondose trees. Upland: Bondkyrka parish, »Stabby backar» (near Upsala). 29. VII. 1934. Seth Lundell. Is usually called H. appendiculatum (Bull, ex Er.), but this species — at least sensu Pries — is probably different, and moreover, not described by him until in Epicr. p. 427. Thus H. Candollianum is the valid name for our fungus (comp. Lange in Dansk Bot. Ark. 4: 4 p. 43). The illustration of Agaricus (Hypholoma) coronatus Fr. in Fries, Icon. sel. tab. 134: 3, represents our species with the veil unusually strongly de- veloped. Also Bresadola, Icon. Myc. XVIII tab. 851 (sub nom. H. coro- natum), is this species as well as 852 and 853 (the later sub nom. H. appendiculatum). Spores 7—8 x 4—4,5 (—5) ¡x. -»S. L. Candolleomyces candolleanus (Fr.) D.Wächt.& A.Melzer 1 NEW YORK BOTANICAL GARDEN 03028118 03028118
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Psathyrella candolleana (Fr.:Fr.) Maire