Carex communis L.H.Bailey

Plants of Illinois, USA
Carex communis Bailey
Illinois : Marshall County
40.98338 ° Latitude -89.45536 ° Longitude
Quadrangle: Chillicothe
T. 12N, R. 9E, SW 1/4 NE 1/4 Sect. 34
Hopewell, IL. Approximately 5 miles north of Chillicothe, IL. 0.4 mile due west of IL Route
29. Adjacent to Hopewell Hill Prairies Nature Preserve.
Upper and mid slope of oak woodland in bluffs 0.6 mile west of the Illinois River. Asscociates
included; Acer saccharum. Amelanchier arborea. Aralia nudicaulis. Aster cordifolius. A.
schreberi. Brachvelvtrum erctum. Bromus pubescens. Carex albuisina. C. blanda C
cephaloidea. C. cephalophora. C. hirsutella. C. pensvlvanica. C. rosea. Carva ovata. Corvlus
americana. Cvpripedium pubescens. Dentaria laciniata. Desmodium glutinosum. D. nudiflonim.
Elvmus hvstrix. Hepatica acutiloba. Muhlenbergia tenuiflora. Panicum latifolium. Phlox
divaricata. Ouercus alba. O. rubra. O. velutina. O. muhlenbergii. Sanguinaria canadensis
Solidago flexicaulis. S. ulmifolia. Veronicastrum virginicum.
4721 Michael Murphy and Rick Phillippe.
5 April 2012
M. J. C. Murphy (ILLS)
Illinois Natural History Survey (ILLS)