Carex albicans Willd. ex Spreng. var. albicans

  • Filed As

    Carex albicans Willd. ex Spreng. var. albicans

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 02648047

    Occurrence ID: 6177cfa4-4c74-45d6-b528-35b7a0062921

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Plante of Illinois, USA
Cares albicans 111114JS»#preiig.
van albicans
Illinois : Madison 43ifii8§s
38.94883 0 Latitude -90.17281°L«ngit«3e
Quadrangle: JJS&n.
#, fflyà. iff«!, ISRiiVii te ®
Altèa, |L. Woodland bordering private residence 400 feet west of Roach Road and
approximately 0.25 mile south of Bachman Lane. (WGS84/NAD83)
Degraded, dry-mesic woodland. Densely cespitose sedge. Associates include: Arisaema
triphvIlum.Carex blanda.Carva ovata. Circaea ciuadrisulcata. Ctovtonia virginica. Euptorinm
rueosum. Festuca obtusa. Leersia vireinica. Lonicera maackii. Menispermiim canadense. Phlox
«IS^Éfcgodophvlliim oeltatum. Ouercus alba. O. velutina. Smilacina racemosa Snrilax
5427 Michael J.C. Murphy
*P May 2014
M. 1. S Murphy (ILLS)
Illinois Natural History Survey (ILLS)