Aeschynomene sensitiva Sw.

Aeschynomene sensitiva Swartz
Fabaceae	Ritter 4505
Determined by: N. Ritter (NHA), 1998
Flora of Bolivia
Family: Fabaceae
Department of Santa Cruz
Province of Angel Sandoval
Laguna La Gaiba. Along the Bolivian-Brazilian
border. Elevation approximately 90 m. Approximate
center of the collecting area: 17°47'W. 57°46'W.
Large emergent herb. Up to ca. 2
meters tall. Growing near the edge
of a floating mat. Infrequent.
Habitat: floating mats dominated
by Leersia hexandra with small
, amounts of Oxycaiyum cubense and
Eichhomia azurea.
7/13/98	#4505
Collected by: N. Ritter, G. E. Crow , M. Garvizu and
C. Crow.
Hodgdon Herbarium
University of New Hampshire