Vaccinium floribundum Kunth

F. Prieto, No. P —<¿3 63
Sept. 10-19, 1945
V&ccinium florlbunduai Hffir
Det^A-C.Smith 0ot-1950
Shrub 1 nu Hypanthium dull green, or suffused
with red; sepals rose* Corolla "bright pink*.
PROV. AZUAY—‘‘ORIENTE’’ BORDER: Eastern Cordillera, between Ona
and the rio Yacuambi.
188-240; west slope, 8,000-9,500 ft. elev. 241-274; east slope, 8,000-9,500 ft. elev.
275-316; crest, 10,000-11,200 ft. elev.
Collected under the direction of W. H. Camp
Distributed by the New York Botanical Garden