Cordyceps clavulata (Schwein.) Ellis & Everh.

  • Filed As

    Cordyceps clavulata (Schwein.) Ellis & Everh.

  • Collector(s)

    G. von Moesz s.n. with A. Haudiirsch, G. Moesz, Jul.

  • Location

    Hungary. prope Fenyokosztolany.

  • Habitat

    ad ramos.

  • Collection Notes

    [Record refers to "c.)" on label; Refer to the following for "a.)" and "b.)" : 02777578; 02777579] they're several dates

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 2777580

    Occurrence ID: ed9b67db-e7d6-42ca-a9f9-162b28b6368b

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  • All Determinations

    Cordyceps clavulata (Schwein.) Ellis & Everh.
    Note: [Record refers to "c.)" on label; Refer to the following for "a.)" and "b.)" : 02777578; 02777579]

Kryptogamae exsiccatae
1817. Cordyceps clavulata.
Ellis'and Everh., North Amef. Pyrenomyg. (1892)1 p. 61, Tab. 15; M#ll#intAiin.
of Bot., „yol. FX (i8g5)|^)v22v; Hd'esz An Botanikai Kozlem6n., vol.^Vill	p?k>3
et (^^)|Tab. I. — Sphaena clavulata Schweip., SynppsiNorth Amer. Fungi ip Trans-?*
„ac,t. Amer. Phjlqg. Soc.^N4'per-> ^voL IV ‘(1834-),	Torrubta	pistilfjxrtaefjorrnis
;Cpokre, Han.db. Brit. Fungi, vol. II (387 iJyOp,. -77 iS^jSorBp^'eps pistillariaefyrmis$UjiZ&
,^;'Br<in Ann. and Magaz. Nat. Hist., ser. 3a, vol: VII (i86i)"|jj>. 451, Tab. XVI.mig. 22.
]|^<&onid$ensitadiu m: Isaria lecaniicoia Jaap in VerhandL Bot an. Ver. Brandenburg,
yolv^p (1908), p. 49; Lindau apud Ra’benh., Ktyptfi.'v. Deutschl., edit. 2a$ .vol. I, Abt.\g
a) Austria inferior: in Lgcdniis ad ramos Robiniae pseudacaciae L. .prope Buch-
berg in valle «Kamptal?, m. Sept.	l£g.	C. de Keifiler.'
lt>) Carinthia: in Lecdmjs ad ramps fruticum jp®o|>e*Friesach, aestate. .,t
Teg’. A. HameMlr s,ch.
c)	Hungarfit feSWit. Bars): in Leeaniis ad^randos Philadelphi coronarii L. pKppe
Fenyokosztoldny, m. Jul. ’	|	feg: G. Moesz.’r J