Thibaudia harlingii Luteyn

  • Filed As

    Thibaudia harlingii Luteyn

  • Collector(s)

    F. Werner 1606, 18/06/05

  • Location

    Ecuador. Zamora Chinchipe. Area of Estación Científica San Francisco, road Loja-Zamora, ca 35 km from Loja. Scrub on edge of San Francisco.

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 2646468

    Occurrence ID: bbb8dc5c-50f9-4e44-825e-2b73abb050a9

  • Feedback

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  • Region

    South America

  • Country


  • State/Province

    Zamora Chinchipe

  • Locality

    Area of Estación Científica San Francisco, road Loja-Zamora, ca 35 km from Loja. Scrub on edge of San Francisco.

  • Elevation

    Alt. 1800 m. (5906 ft.)

  • Coordinates

    -3.97, -79.07

  • Distribution

    Map all specimens of this taxon

Thibaudia harlingii Luteyn
det. James L. Luteyn, 2001
The New York Botanical Garden (NY)
Flora of Ecuador
Prov. of Zamora-Chinchipe, area of Estación Cientifica San Francisco (S 03°58', W
79°04' ), road Loja-Zamora, ca. 35 km from Loja; moist montane forest
secondary scrub on edge of Rio San Francisco.
leg.:F.A.Wemer	altitude[m]: 1800
obs.: scambling shrub, regularly also epilithic or epiphytic; same sp. as
fwl295; pedicel, calyx and corolla (except yellowish light green
apex) pink. 1-3 flowers per axil. Uncommon. Likely approaching
18.06.05_No. 1606
"Vascular epiphytes and human disturbance"; Dep. Syt. Bot., University of Gttttingen,
Germany; contact:; photos: