Aruncus dioicus (Walter) Fernald

International Sakhalin Island Project 2001
Aruncus dioicus (Walt.) Fern.	[Rosaceae]
Det. by Valentin Yakubov, Mar 2011. Fide: PI. Vase. Orientis
Extremi Sovietici
Russian Federation, Sakhalin Region:
Taliki River. 23ra/78ft
54° 16.490'N, 142° 49.113'E
Steep slope running up from beach along side cliffs; herbs/forbs
dominate with some Sorbus, Alnus, Larix and Betula scattered
throughout; collected south and north facing slopes from beach to
On north and south sides of slope.
SEggK J5B-WCHL Gardfki
Kari Stiles, 2001-235
14 Aug 2001
[WTU Datable #1868221