Diplazium plantaginifolium (L.) Urb.

  • Filed As

    Diplazium plantaginifolium (L.) Urb.

  • Collector(s)

    B. K. Holst 7588, 29 Apr 2001

  • Location

    Belize. Cayo. Mountain Pine Ridge Forest Reserve. Macal River Basin. Macal River. Small Northern tributary and adjacent slopes 0.5 km NE of Raspaculo-Macal confluence.

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 02608114

    Occurrence ID: 3b7551ac-2905-4102-834d-fc0266575574

  • Feedback

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  • Region

    Central America

  • Country


  • State/Province


  • Locality

    Mountain Pine Ridge Forest Reserve. Macal River Basin. Macal River. Small Northern tributary and adjacent slopes 0.5 km NE of Raspaculo-Macal confluence.

  • Elevation

    Alt. 400 - 420 m. (1312 - 1378 ft.)

  • Coordinates

    16.8517, -88.94

  • Location Notes

    [Mexico & Central America]

  • Distribution

    Map all specimens of this taxon

The New York Botamcal Garden
Viplaz/Uth Jìlatej/nlft/iu»* (L-) Uri.
Robbin C. Moran, 2015 (NY)
Plants of Belize
Diplazium plantaginifolium (L.) Urb.
CAYO: Mountain Pine Ridge Forest Reserve. Macai River Basin.
Macai River. Small Northern tributary and adjacent slopes 0.5 km NE
of Raspaculo-Macal confluence.
Terrestrial or in cracks on rocks. [Belize Ecosystem: Strongly seasonal,
deciduous broadleaf lowland riparian shrubland in hills]. Along
small northern creek tributary of limestone bed protruding into
mostly metamorphic rock and pine ridge forests on slopes above.
Creek mostly in deep shade. MSBG: 2001-0252
400 -420 m elevation 16°51.1'N; 88°56.4'W	29 April 2001
Bruce K. Holst, Nancy Edmondson & Augustin Howe 7588
Marie Selby Botanical Gardens Herbarium (SEL)