Taraxacum officinale F.H.Wigg.

International Sakhalin Island Project 2001
Taraxacum officinale Weber	[Asteraceae]
Det. by Valentin Yakubov, Mar 2011. Fide: PI. Vase. Orientis
Extremi Sovietici
Russian Federation, Sakhalin Region:
Southern part of Sakhalin Island, on Sea of Okhotsk side. Environs
of Sokol Village. East of town in Belaya River Valley. 51m/167ft
47° 14.617'N, 142° 46.871'E
Open meadow and environs. Near base camp. Tall grasses
dominant, with other pockets of vegetation.
Some in flower (yellow), mostly in seed. Scattered throughout
Suzanne Joneson, 2670 18Jul2001
__[WTU Database #185953]