Sphyrospermum buxifolium Poepp. & Endl.

  • Filed As

    Sphyrospermum buxifolium Poepp. & Endl.

  • Collector(s)

    F. Werner 1896, 21/12/05

  • Location

    Ecuador. Loja. Parque Nacional Podocarpus, Cajanuma.

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 2645088

    Occurrence ID: 314a484e-74c2-4dd8-88a3-37c5307c99ce

  • Feedback

    Send comments on this specimen record

  • Region

    South America

  • Country


  • State/Province


  • Locality

    Parque Nacional Podocarpus, Cajanuma.

  • Elevation

    Alt. 2300 - 2900 m. (7546 - 9514 ft.)

  • Distribution

    Map all specimens of this taxon

New York Botanical Garden
Sphyrospermum buxifolium Poepp. & Endl. s.l.
P. Pedraza-Peñalosa & J. L. Luteyn, 2010
Sphyrospermum buxifolium Poepp. & Endl.
S. cordifolium Benth. “complex”
det. James L. Luteyn, 2005
The New York Botanical Garden (NY)
Flora of Ecuador
Province of Loja, Parque Nacional Podocarpus, Cajanuma
leg.: F. A. Werner	altitude[m]: 2900
obs.: epiphyte, corolla 4-merous, bright red. Dame as fw410 - red corolla,
large but compact leaves, semi-creepmg with short semipendant
shoots. Typical type at ECSF abobe 2300m in ridge forest.
21.12.05_No. 1896
“Vascular epiphytes and human disturbance"; Dep. Syt. Bot., University of Gottingen,
Germany; contact: florianwemer@yahoo.com; photos: www.visualplants.de