Satyria warszewiczii Klotzsch

  • Filed As

    Satyria warszewiczii Klotzsch

  • Collector(s)

    B. Wallnöfer 112-6788, 06 Jul 1988

  • Location

    Peru. Huánuco. Pachitea Prov. Region of Pucallpa, western part of the "Sira Mountains", and adjacent lowland; ca 24 km SE to ca 26 km ESE of Puerto Inca, from the beginning of the mountain rain forest next to the "Campamento Pato Rojo"", along the mountain crest to the beginning of the elfin forest after the "Campamento Peligroso".

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 2644490

    Occurrence ID: 0db865bf-ed5c-4d8d-87d6-bdb8151d0d79

  • Feedback

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  • Region

    South America

  • Country


  • State/Province


  • County/Municipio

    Pachitea Prov.

  • Locality

    Region of Pucallpa, western part of the "Sira Mountains", and adjacent lowland; ca 24 km SE to ca 26 km ESE of Puerto Inca, from the beginning of the mountain rain forest next to the "Campamento Pato Rojo"", along the mountain crest to the beginning of the elfin forest after the "Campamento Peligroso".

  • Elevation

    Alt. 1080 - 1700 m. (3543 - 5577 ft.)

  • Coordinates

    -9.45, -74.77

  • Distribution

    Map all specimens of this taxon

Satyria warszewiczii Klotzsch
det. E. Ann Powell, 2005
Wake Forest University (WFU), USA
The New York Botanical Garden
Satyria grandifolia Hoerold
det. James L. Luteyn	1995
Flora of Peru	Ericaceae
Dept. Huanuco, Prov. Pachitea, region of Pucallpa, western part of the "Sira mountains"
and adjacent lowland; c. 24 km SE to c. 26 km ESE of Puerto Inca, from the beginning of
the mountain rain forest next to the "Campamento Pato Rojo" (9°27’ S, 74°46’ W) (1080
msm) along the mountain crest to the beginning of the elfin forest after the "Campamen-
to Peligroso" (1560 msm) in a height of 1/7Q0 msm. *** Primary cloud forest covered by
I many mosses, lichens, ferns and vascular epiphytes. Soils: Red latosols with a thick humus
j layer.
Root climber in a height of c. 10 m; petals below red, above white; this plant at 1250 msm.
leg: B.Wallnofer Na 112-6788	date: 6 July 1988
Austrian-Peruvian Sira Expedition 1987/1988; field work directed by W.Morawetz. For geographical and other
details see MORAWETZ & al. (1990): Plant Syst. Evol.