Paradrymonia ciliosa (Mart.) Wiehler

  • Filed As

    Paradrymonia ciliosa (Mart.) Wiehler

  • Collector(s)

    J. L. Clark 11365 with Chilquillo, E.; Clavijo, L.; Huamán, E.; Overstreet, M.; Salvador, C.; Wells, J., 12 May 2010

  • Location

    Peru. Cusco. Quispicanchi Prov. Distrito: Camanti, mature forest 1-2 km west of Quincemil, path from small church near water pipe/unpaved road.

  • Habitat

    Bosque premontano.

  • Description

    Herbaceous epiphytic climber. Leaves evenly spaced on an elongate shoot when immature and clustered on a short shoot when mature. Calyx green. Corolla angulate; uniformly yellow with red trichomes; lower petal lobe with fimbriations; all other petal lobes.

  • Specimen Notes

    MOL, USM

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 02729684

    Occurrence ID: b12482a5-659c-4141-91bc-9fc67db101ec

  • Feedback

    Send comments on this specimen record

  • Region

    South America

  • Country


  • State/Province


  • County/Municipio

    Quispicanchi Prov.

  • Locality

    Distrito: Camanti, mature forest 1-2 km west of Quincemil, path from small church near water pipe/unpaved road

  • Elevation

    Alt. 872 m. (2861 ft.)

  • Coordinates

    -13.2147, -70.7069

  • Distribution

    Map all specimens of this taxon

The New York Botanical Garden
Paradrymonia ciliosa (Mart.) Wiehler
J.L. Clark 11365	q j[
Plants of Peru
Paradrymonia decurrens (C.V. Morton) Wiehler
Peru. Region Cusco. Provincia Quispicanchis. Distrito: Camanti, mature
forest 1-2 km west of Quincemil, path from small church near water
pipe/unpaved road. 872 m. 13°12'53"S 70°42'25"W. Bosque premontano.
Herbaceous epiphytic climber. Leaves evenly spaced on an elongate shoot
when immature and clustered on a short shoot when mature. Calyx green.
Corolla angulate; uniformly yellow with red trichomes; lower petal lobe
with fimbriations; all other petal lobes lacking fimbriations. Digital
photographs of this collection are posted in the Andes-Amazon Atrium of
BRIT ( and with John L. Clark (UNA).
J.L. Clark 11365	12 May 2010
With: E. Chilquillo, L. Clavijo, E. Huaman, M. Overstreet, C. Salvador
& J. Wells
Herbarium of the University of Alabama (UNA)