Cassipourea guianensis Aubl.

No. 18609
Cassipourea guianensis Aubl.
det. R. Liesner 1981
ZULIA: Distrito Colon: 3 km E of the Río de
Oro settlement on the Río de Oro; ca. 9°l8'N
72°28'W; elev. 100-250 m. Steep, low hills with
primary semi-evergreen forest.
Along crest of ridge. Tree 20 m tall; petals
whit e.
26-28 June I98O
G. Davidse, A.C. Gonzalez and R.A. Leon
Collected under the auspices of CONICIT, Jardin Botánico de Maracaibo and Corpozulia, with
the collaboration of the Instituto Botánico, Caracas (MARNR), Missouri Botanical Garden, St.
Louis, and NSF.