Lourtella resinosa S.A.Graham

The New York Botanical Garden
Plants of BOLIVIA
Lythraceae Lourtella resinosa S. Graham
det. M. Nee, 2005
DEPTO. Santa Cruz, Prov. Caballero [at or perhaps even
over the border and into Depto. Cochabamba, Prov.
Campero], 10 km by road W of center of Saipina, along
road from Saipina to Aiquile, narrow valley of Rio Mizque.
Steep arid slopes near bottom of valley of Rio Mizque, with
thorn scrub vegetation on slopes (Bougainvillea
berberidifolia, Lourtella resinosa, Capparis atamisquea)
and some cultivation of vegetables in narrow zone in valley
bottom (with Prosopis alba, Schinus molle, Inga).
18°06’04”S, 64°39’30”W. alt. 1395 m.
Shrub 3 m. tall. Fruit old, brown.
Coll.: M. Nee, D. Villarroel & O. Colque
No. 53727	9 Dec. 2005