Reynosia septentrionalis Urb.

The Flora and Ethnobotany of Cat Island, Bahamas
Willard Sherman Turrell Herbarium (MU)
Species	Reynosia septentrional is	Au: Urb.
Family	Rhamnaceae
Common Name Darling Plum
Description	Tree with yellow flowers. Notched leaf apex's (emarginate) are a
key identifier.
Location/Habitat Port Howe, found on a trail that is off the main road (runs east), between
the end of Port Howe settlement and Greenwood Beach Resort, but closer
to the settlement. Disturbed scrubby-low dry evergreen forest/coppice.
Latitude	24° 10’ 17”N	Longitude 75° 19’50” W
Uses/Comments Fruits are edible and taste a bit like a tart plum. People say that if you eat
too many of the fruits, "it give you boils." Most dismiss this as a myth.
Collector(s)	Laurel R. Richey
Collection No 99-414 Duplicates 5 Date June 7 1999
Plants Dried Using a Kerosene Heater
Vouchers for Laurel Richey's PhD Dissertation