Cassipourea peruviana Alston

Royal Betank Gardens, Kew
Cassipourea peruviana Alston
Det. G. T. Prance V&t' 201
Cassipourea elliptica Poir.
Prov: Maynas. Quebrada Tarnshiyacu E of Tarnshiyacu
below Serafin Filomeno, upper limits of
regularly inundated forest and non-inundated
riverside forest, alt. ca. 130 m. Ca. 72° 50f W
U° 10’ S.
Tree 5 m., old flowers greenish.
A. Gentry, C. Diaz, J. Aronson,
and N. Jaramillo 25831	19 March 1979
Collected under the auspices of the Flora of Peru project, a collaborative effort of the Miuouri
Botanical Garden and Field Museum of Natural History in conjunction with the Universidad
Nacional Mayor de San Marcos and the Universidad Nacional de Amazonia Peruana. Field work
supported by the National Science Foundation.