Anabaena flos-aquae G.S.West

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    Anabaena flos-aquae G.S.West

Josephine E. Tieden. American Algae.
«392. Anabaena flos-aquae (Lyngb.) Breb. in Brebisson and Gody. Algues
des environs de Falaise. 36.	1835‘.
Thallns frothy, gelatinous, ^easily separating, floating, pale blue
(caeruleus); trichomes circinate, in general 5 mic. in diameter; articu-
lations spherical-compressed, equal to or a little longer than the diam-
eter, 6-7 mic. long; heterocysts a little thicker and longer than the
articulations, 5.5x7.5 mic.; spores curved, oblique, inequilateral, 8-12
mic. in diameter, 25-40 mic. in length, near the heterocyst; epispore
smooth, hyaline.
Cedar lake, Hennepin county, Minnesota.
s^J/tyyEJosephine E. Tilden. American Algae.
292. Anabaena flos-aquae (Lyngb.) Breb. in Brebisson and Gody. Algues
des environs de Falaise. 36.	1835.
Thallus frothy, gelatinous, easily separating, floating, pale blue
(caeruleus)] trichomes circinate, in general 5 mic. in diameter; articu-
lations spherical-com pressed, equal to or a little longer than the diam-
eter, 6-7 mic. long; heterocysts a little thicker and longer than the
articulations, 5.5x7.5 mic.; spores curved, oblique, inequilateral, 8-12
mic. in diameter, 25-40 mic. in length, near the heterocyst; epispore
smooth, hyaline.
Cedar lake, Hennepin county, Minnesota.
Coll. Miss M. G. Fanning and H. B. Humphrey. 28 0 1897.