Medicago arabica (L.) Huds.

Herbarium of the University of Florida
Agricultural Experiment Station
Plants of Florida
Medicacro arabica (L.) Huds.
E. Small	1995
Agriculture Canada, Ottawa
Medicago arabica (L.) Huds.
Petals yellow; leaves with central spot
occasional; moist roadside, sandy soil,
corner of Park Ave. & Victory Gardens
Drive, 0.9 mi. n. of U. S. 27, 2.6 mi.
of the State Capitol, e. edge of Talla-
hassee, S33, TIN, R1E,
Leon County
coll. D. B. Ward 3423	18 March 1963
with R. R. Smith, T. Myint, D. Burch
det, D, B. W,