Adelobotrys intonsa (Gleason) Wurdack

  • Filed As

    Adelobotrys intonsa (Gleason) Wurdack

  • Collector(s)

    A. H. Gentry 28895 with R. Vasquez; E. Andrade; M. Horna; P. Stern, 21 Jul 1980

  • Location

    Peru. Loreto. Maynas Prov. Mishana, halfway between Iquitos and Santa Maria de Nanay, Rio Nanay.

  • Habitat

    Non-inundated lowland forest.

  • Description

    Vine, flowers white.

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 2613872

    Occurrence ID: 45ff4db1-fbac-4348-82de-b27015751891

  • Feedback

    Send comments on this specimen record

  • Region

    South America

  • Country


  • State/Province


  • County/Municipio

    Maynas Prov.

  • Locality

    Mishana, halfway between Iquitos and Santa Maria de Nanay, Rio Nanay.

  • Elevation

    Alt. 140 m. (459 ft.)

  • Coordinates

    -3.83, -73.5

  • Distribution

    Map all specimens of this taxon

Gentry, Vasquez, Andrade, Homa, Stem 28895
Adelobotrys intonsus (Gleason) Wurdack
det. L. Schulman (TUR), November 2001
Duplicates in: MO, F
Adelobotrys lntonsa Gleas.
det. A; Gentry 1981
Province« Maynas. Mishana» halfway between
Iquitos and Santa Maria de Nanay, Rio Nanay,
alt. ca* 1^0 mi non-inundated lowland forest,
73 30*W, 3 50'S.
Vine1 flowers white.
Al Gentry, R. Vasquez, S* Andrade,
M. Homa, P. Stem 28895 21 July 1980
Collected under the auspices of the Flora of Peru project, a collaborative effort of the Missouri Botanical
Garden and Field Museum of Natural History in conjunction with the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San
Marcos and the Universidad Nacional de Amazonia Peruana. Field work supported by the National Science
Foundation and National Geographic Society.