Chusquea lehmannii Pilg.

Chusquea aff. lehmannii Pilger
Quindío: Mun. Salento, Reserva Natural del Alto Quindio, Acaime, 40 m
before (below) the turnoff to the overlook on the way to Guayaquil, trail
to Estación Biológica Estrella de Agua, 2880 m. 4°37-40' N, 75°25-30'
In montane forest, common. All vegetative here, elsewhere flowering or
dead after flowering. Culms scandent and hanging, to 2-2.5 cm in
diameter, 8-10 m long. Branching extravaginal; more mature branch
complements with fibrillar branchlets. Culm leaves with the blade more
or less equal to the sheath, persistent, and rugose at the base. Young
subsidiary branches with farinose leaf sheaths. Treated with 70% EtOH.
20 June 1994
L. Clark, X. Londoño & O. Martinez 1233
Collected under the auspices of the Corporación Autónoma Regional del
Quindío (CRQ) and with the aid of a grant from the National Science Foundation