Chusquea lehmannii Pilg.

L. Clark, X. Londoño & C. Dassler 1275
Collected with the aid of a grant from the National Science Foundation
Chusquea aff. lehmannii Pilger
Cundinamarca: Mun. Gacheta, 16.8 km N of Gacheta on the road to
Manta, San Pedro, Vereda Tasajeras, 2600 m. 4°54’ N, 73°37' W.
14 July 1994
In a remnant patch of montane forest, still rich in epiphytes. Two clumps
seen, both vegetative. Culms erect at the base, arching and scandent to
hanging above, 2-3 cm basal diameter, about 6-8 m tall. Branching
extravaginal; central bud triangular, large, subtended by 2 rows of much
smaller subsidiary buds; nodal line nearly horizontal, dipping slightly
below the buds; small promontory below the bud complement present.
Internodes 16-21 cm long, green, slightly rough on the upper half,
smooth below; supranodal ridge prominent, slightly wider there than at
the nodal line. In shade, fibrillar branchlets present in the branch
complements at least at the lower nodes, in sun or at higher nodes
absent. New shoots with a band of white wax about 1 cm wide below
each node, this fading with age; sheaths of subsidiary branches also
farinose when young. Culm leaves extending a little beyond the next
node; sheaths slightly farinose when young, often reddish, margin fused
for 1-1.5 cm at the base, lower half of sheath scabrid; girdle barely
evident; blade erect, persistent, triangular to slightly cordate at the base;
juncture of sheath and blade acute. Foliage leaf blades with the midvein
excentric. Treated with 70% EtOH. Basal nodes with adventitious roots.
N. v. chusque; used for making baskets.