Lotus plebeius (Brandegee) Barneby

Yavapai County
Lotus meamsii (Britton) Greene *	. .
N38 77 220 E3 55 540; T19N R3W SW14 SEQ S. 16; 4970’
elevation; south of Ash Fork, north of Paulden, ca. 1.9k SSE
of Fritsche Peak, 220m north of Fritsche Tank; decomposed
granite soil with Astragalus catycosus, Berberis fremontii,
Chaetopappa ericoides, Dalea formosa, Erioneuron pilosum,
Fallugia paradoxa, Gutierrezia sarothrae, Juniperus
osteosperma, Lotus meamsii, Marrubium vulgare,
Melampodium leucanthum, Mimosa biuncifera, Muhlenbergia
torreyi, Opuntia whipplei, O. engelmannii, Rhus trilobata,
Sphaeralcea, and Yucca baccata.
Common perennial; prostrate; rhizomatous; leaves dull
green; flowers dark yellow, turning orange, then to red-orange
with age; banner deflexed; fruit yellow-green turning red-purple
with age.
Theresa Wright 1096 19 May 1994
Marc Baker