Chusquea uniflora Steud.

Chusquea uniflora Steudel
Cundinamarca: Mun. Junin/Guatavita, 19.7 km W of Gacheta on the
road from Guasca, 2580 m. 4°49' N, 73°46' W.
In secondary vegetation along road in a quebrada. Most of the
population in bloom, some panicles at anthesis. Culms erect at the
base, then clambering and hanging, 1.5-2 cm in diameter below,
generally about 1 cm in diameter above the middle part, 4-6 m long.
Internodes about 20 cm long. Branching infravaginal; central bud
circular. Spikelets purple-maroon. Plants apparently dying after
blooming. Treated with 70% EtOH.
13 July 1994
L. Clark, X. Londono & C. Dassler 1273
Collected with the aid of a grant from the National Science Foundation