Hedysarum auriculatum Link

Harvard University, Gray Herbarium (GH)
Hedysarum boreale Nutt.
Herbs with many stems arising from a common root
stock, stems to 18 in tall, usually less, locally common,
flowers magenta. Growing in a shrubby thicket with
open patches, in somewhat disturbed, moist to dry
gravelly clay loam, with Achillea millefolium, Alnus
viridis subsp. sinuata, Carex spp., Epilobium
angustifolium, E. palustre (?), Equisetum palustre,
Lupinus nootkatensis var.fruticosus, Pamassia
kotzebuei (?), Picea glauca, Populus balsamifera,
Pyrola secunda, Salix alaxensis var. longistylis & S.
pseudomyrsinites. Near the S. side of Fourth of July
Creek, to the E. side of Rt. 3, about 19.05mi S. of the
intersection with Rt. 8 in Cantwell. Matanuska-Susitna
Borough. Elev. around 2075ft. 63° 12' 19.5”N, 149°
19' 41.5”W. UTM 6 382919E, 7010600N
Coll. Doug Goldman #3471
4 July 2005