Polytaenium lanceolatum (Sw.) Desv.

  • Filed As

    Polytaenium lanceolatum (Sw.) Desv.

  • Collector(s)

    H. S. Irwin 47892 with J.M. Pires, L. Y. Th. Westra, 27 Aug 1960

  • Location

    Brazil. Amapá. Rio Oiapoque, between first and second Cachoeira on Rio Iaue, 2 km east of confluence with Rio Oiapoque.

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 02554687

    Occurrence ID: 138686b8-0015-45cb-a49f-89f1b739ab51

  • Feedback

    Send comments on this specimen record

  • Region

    South America

  • Country


  • State/Province


  • Locality

    Rio Oiapoque, between first and second Cachoeira on Rio Iaue, 2 km east of confluence with Rio Oiapoque

  • Coordinates

    2.88, -52.37

  • Distribution

    Map all specimens of this taxon

Plants Collected on a survey of
Polytaenium feei (Schaffner) Maxcaa
Det.* K# U# Kramer, 1963
Epiphyte on vertical tree trunk 2*5 ® above ground* In
forest shade. Between 1st and 2nd eaehoeiras on Rio laue,
Herbarium of Iowa State University
Polytaenium Desv.
Det. E. H. Crane, May 1997
Ref.: Crane, E. H. In Press. Systematic Botany
2° 531 N, 52° 22«
Rio Oiapoque.
W. about 2 km east of confluence with
H.S .Irwin,
J.M.Pires, L.Y*Th.Westra
August 27# i960
Field operations conducted by the Institute Agronomico do Norte, the Museu Goeldi, and the New
York Botanical Garden. Supported in part by funds provided by the National Science Foundation
and the Conselho Nacional de Pesquisas.