Chusquea purdieana Munro

Chusquea aff. purdieana Munro
Boyaca: Mun. Arcabuco, Vereda Rupavita, road Tunja-Arcabuco, about
33 km NW of Tunja, 4.4 km SE of Arcabuco, along Rio Pomeca (Rio
Arcabuco), 2770 m. 5°44' N, 73°19' W.
In secondary vegetation along the river, below the road; bamboo all
vegetative; some evidence of grazing by cattle. Culms erect at the base,
arching over and scandent above, to 1.5 cm in diameter, 4-5 m tall.
Branching infravaginal; central bud circular; subsidiary buds numerous;
central branch often developing. Culm leaves not reaching the next
node, abaxially hispid, margins fused at the base for up to 3 cm.
Internodes hispid above the culm leaves when young. Treated with 70%
19 July 1994
L. Clark, X. Londono & C. Dassler 1284
Collected with the aid of a grant from the National Science Foundation