Desmodium canadense (L.) DC.

12,515: Desmodium canadense (L.) DC.
One plant present, this with 17 erect to
curved-ascending stems from a branching
root (stems multiplied through mowing).
WISCONSIN: Wood County
Brushy weedy vegetation on
roadside in full sun, cause-
way across extensive Cypera-
ceae-Sphagnum boggy meadow.
Soil a mixture of gravel,
sand, and peaty muck. Middle
of old bed of GLACIAL LAKE
WISCONSIN on County Line Rd.
between (12.2 mi. N of)Mather
& (1.8mi. S of) City Point
(T21N, R2E, Sec. 6 NW% SW%) .
Assoc.: Aristida sp., Andropogon scoparius.
Desmodium canadense, Trifolium arvense. Aronia
melanocarpa seedlings, Solidago nemoralis, Am-
brosia psilostachya. August 29, 1990
T. S. Cochrane, A. A. Reznicek, H. H. Iltis,
& S. A. Reznicek	No. 12,515