Meriania denticulata (Gleason) Wurdack

  • Filed As

    Meriania denticulata (Gleason) Wurdack

  • Collector(s)

    R. Aguinda 1527, 02 Aug 2001

  • Location

    Ecuador. Rio Bermejo to Cerro Sur Pax: Cofan community of Alto Bermejo. Access from Bermejo oil field road to Pozo 2, NW between Lumbaqui and Cascales . Vicinity of Oso ridge camp.

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 02549354

    Occurrence ID: a4af1bd9-7467-4fe0-9031-04ecad1ddf12

  • Feedback

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  • Region

    South America

  • Country


  • Locality

    Rio Bermejo to Cerro Sur Pax: Cofan community of Alto Bermejo. Access from Bermejo oil field road to Pozo 2, NW between Lumbaqui and Cascales . Vicinity of Oso ridge camp

  • Elevation

    Alt. 1527 m. (5010 ft.)

  • Coordinates

    0.32158, -77.4194

  • Distribution

    Map all specimens of this taxon

The New York Botanical Garden (NY)
Confirmed as determined !
Det. F. A. Michelangeli
Prov. de Sucumbios
Meriania denticulata
Rio Bermejo to Cerro Sur Pax: Cofan community of Alto
Bermejo. Access from Bermejo oil field road to Pozo 2, NW
between Lumbaqui and Cascales. Vicinity of Oso Ridge Camp.
00°19’ 17.7N, 77°25’ 10.0W	1700-1920 m
Foothills of the Andes near the Colombian border. 30m tall cloud
forest on mountain ridge.
Tree to 4 m. Flowers orange-pink.
Roberto Aguinda 1527	2 Agosto 2001
Nigel Pitman, Robin Foster