Alphitonia moluccana Teijsm. & Binn. ex Braid

  • Filed As

    Alphitonia moluccana Teijsm. & Binn. ex Braid

  • Collector(s)

    W. N. Takeuchi 10083, 18 Aug 1994

  • Location

    Papua New Guinea. New Ireland. Vicinity of Langu village. Alluvial forest on flood plain of the Sanchi tributary, Sepik River.

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 2544835

    Occurrence ID: 727a331a-b1c9-46e5-be5a-da315b6d3b5a

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  • Region


  • Country

    Papua New Guinea

  • State/Province

    New Ireland

  • Locality

    Vicinity of Langu village. Alluvial forest on flood plain of the Sanchi tributary, Sepik River.

  • Elevation

    Alt. 40 m. (131 ft.)

  • Coordinates

    -4.18, 142.73

  • Location Notes


  • Distribution

    Map all specimens of this taxon

University of Illinois at Chicago
Alphitonia moluccana Teijsm. et Binn.
Det. By:
Field Char: Serai treelet, on banks of feeder
stream. Bark aromatic (sarsaparilla). Leaves
glabrous dark green above, white tomentulose
below. Infiructescence axillary, to 10 cm long.
Epicarp black, testa red.
Notes: Wood used in construction. Fruiting said
to indicate dry conditions, flwing only when
wet season.
Locality: New Ireland; Vicinity of Langu
village. Alluvial forest on flood plain of the
Sanchi tributary, Sepik River.
Habitat: Alluvial forest on river plain. On
c. 40 m, 4°11’S X 142°44’E
Local Names: "’michika”' (Waskuk)
W. Takeuchi & J. Wiakabu 10083, August 18, 1994
This is a voucher specimen for
anticancer and anti-AIDS screening
NCI Sample Number(s): U44Z8704-V, U44Z8705-W
U44Z8706-X, U44Z8707-Y, U44Z8708-Z.
Collected under the sponsorship of: U.S. National Cancer
Institute, University of Illinois at Chicago, Arnold
Arboretum (Harvard University), Field Museum of
Natural History and Forest Research Institute, Lae.