Vaccinium lamarckii Camp

ffcoeiaim peaasylvanieua W«Va* Pom 1
Coll* Brushy Ridge,(Allegheny Plata#), 20 Miles West of Petersburg, W.Va*
My 20, 1940 By. Us» Duis, sad J.M.Batohelor
Bush S-10* high, Fr* early to mod. early sestly mature July 20,
(Fruit two weeks late 1940) | leaves ereet, upper sad lower surface
glossy and bright greea, ad drib eiliatef leaf margins bristly serrate f
oae»third basal leaftaargias often eiliate serrate, new fersvth deasely
pubescent; fr* good blue oolor, to 9 sou, globose, leaf petioles
pubesoeatf no loaf spot aotedU*««*