Philibertia picta Schltr.

N.P. Ritter #2848
dupl. det. W.D. Stevens, 2005
Sav'ccsfsiH'tn-t.	f?.to.
Determined by W. D Stevens, 199^
Missouri Botanical Garden (MO)
Flora of Bolivia
Family: Asclepiadaceae
Department of Cochabamba
Province of Esteban Arce
The highway between Cochabamba and Laguna
Angustura, ca. 0.5 km before the turn-off to Tarata.
Elevation: ca. 2625 meters.
Liana. Growing on shrubs along the
side of the road. Frequent. Copious
white latex present. Corolla: cream;
turning light brown and maroon with
age. Vegetation type: Valles Secos
Interandinos; scrub vegetation
dominated by Acacia sp. and by a
variety of cactus.
February 2, 1996	# 2848
Collected by: Nur Ritter and John Wood