Hydrocotyle ranunculoides L.f.

Flora of Bolivia
Family: Apiaceae
Hydrocotyle ranunculoides L.f
Determined by: N. Ritter (NHA), 1997
Department of Santa Cruz
Province of Andres Ibanez City of Santa Cruz
A large (ca. 10-15 hectares) wetland complex, across
the highway from the international airport. Elevation:
ca. 430 meters. Location: ca. 17°39' S 63°10' W
Small, semi-aquatic herb. Growing
in channels in the floating mat. ^
Frequent. Flowers: white. Fruits also
present. Habitat: inundated area A <
along the edge of the pond. Floating
mats of vegetation, dominated by ^ '
Typha domingensis and Ludwigia \
spp., with abundant accumulated
January 14, 1996	#2789
Collected by: Nur Ritter