Solanum emulans Raf.

Solanaceae Solunum
IOWA, Lee Co., Indian Trail County Park, floodplain alone;
SW side of Skunk River, just upstream from the Hwy. 61
40°43'33.5’"N, 91 °12’45.5”W. alt. 161 m.
A few Fraxinus pennsylvcmica and large Populus deltoides,
and disturbed areas on rich alluvial soil.
On nearly bare soil of tip-up root mass of windblown tree.
I lerb. branching from near base. Corolla white; anthers
yellow. Fruiting pedicels reflexed, all the fruit still green.
Coil.: M. Nee 60371	16 Aug. 2013
Missouri Botanical Garden (MO)