Smilax auriculata Walter

The Flora and Ethnobotany of Cat Island, Bahamas
Willard Sherman Turrell Herbarium (MU)
Species	Smilax auriculata	Au: Walt.
Family	Smilacaccac
Common Name Chaincy Briar, Chainey Vine, Briar Root, Briar
Description	Tough vine with greenish yellow flowers.
Location/Habitat Greenwood Development, along a road that runs off (north) of the long
unpaved road to Greenwood Beach Resort. Area dominated by Log Wood
(Haematoxylum campechianum). Disturbed cultivated garden.
24° 10’ 82" N	Longitude 75° 19' 20" W
I'lie root is commonly used in bush tea preparations. Also reported to
strengthen the back and increase sex drive.
Laurel R. Richey
99-433 Duplicates 5 Date June 10, 1999
Plants Dried Using a Kerosene Heater
Vouchers for Laurel Richey's PhD Dissertation
Collection No