Pithecellobium keyense Britton

The Flora and Ethnobotany of Long Island, Bahamas
Willard Sherman Turrell Herbarium (MU)
Species	Pilhecellobiiim keyense Au: Britt, ex Britt. & Rose
Family	Fabaceae
Common Name Rams Horn
Description	Shrub with evenly bipinnately compound leaves with a gland.
Specimens with twisting fruits. Seeds are black with a red aril.
Location/Habitat Stella Maris found along Coral Gardens Road, in the yard of Alfred
Knowles' condo complex. Disturbed yard.
Latitude	23°35’54”N	Longitude 75°16’ 24” W
Uses/Comments This paint is collected and often fed to the animals (goats and sheep).
Collector(s)	Laurel Richey
Collection No 98-313 Duplicates 5 Date December 12, 1998
Plants Dried Using a Kerosene Heater
Vouchers for Laurel Richey's PhD Dissertation