Acer negundo L.
Filed As
Acer negundo L. -
W. G. Dore 9857 with L. Martin, 17 Jun 1949
Canada. Ontario. Carleton Co., 11 miles west of Ottawa (along Highway No. 17, south side of road beyond viaduct), March Township.
NY Barcode: 2485312
Occurrence ID: 90bb535a-d174-4686-ae22-fdf29c593ba1
All Determinations
North America
Carleton Co., 11 miles west of Ottawa (along Highway No. 17, south side of road beyond viaduct), March Township
Reprinted /rom The Canadian Field-Naturalist, Vol. 63, September-October, 1949, No. 5 Sept.-October, 19493 The Canadian Field-Naturalist Red-fruited form of Acer Negundo L.1 — This distinctive form of Acer Negundo L. was first called to my attention by Mr. L. T. Owens of Toronto. It had been collected by a friend of his at Campbeilford, Ontario. Since then it has been discovered growing near Ottawa and I believe the red-colored fruit makes it worthy of separation from the typical green-colored fruit of Acer Negundo L. Acer Negundo L. forma sanguineum f.n. sameris immaturis coloratis sanguineis bu-' balis (Hort. Color Chart II, No. 00823/3) post viri dibus. Immature samaras colored oxblood red (Hort. Color Chart II, No. 00823/3) becoming green. All the material examined had well- developed samaras but no seed. Type: on the side of road near temporary creek, mucky ground, about 11 mi. west of Ottawa on Highway 17, March Twp., Carle- ton Co., May 31^1949, W. G. Dore, 9802 (in the Herbarium of the Division of Botany and !) Contribution No. 991 from the Division of Botany and Plant Pathology, Science Service, Department of Agriculture, Ottawa, Canada. Plant Pathology, Science Service, Dept, of Agriculture, Ottawa). MATERIAL EXAMINED: same locality as above, June 17, 1949, W. G. Dore and M. L. Martin, 9855 (D.A.O. Herbarium); near Kesioick, at the side of the Lake Shore Road (Lake Simcoe), May 29, 1949, L. T. Owens (D.A.O. Herbarium): in yards and along fence-rows, 5 mi. south of Campbeil- ford, Ont., Percy Boom Tourist Camp, Northumberland Co., July 13, 1948, W. G. Dorè and G. L. Church, 8653 (D.A.O. Herb.) —LUCILLE MARTIN, Division of Botany and Plant Pathology, Science Service, Depart- ment of Agriculture, Ottawa. Large Fish Killed by Merganser.—Mr. J. A. Summers, Fisheries Inspector, reports that during the cold spell an American mergansr was observed to kill a 12-inch coast throat trout in an unexpected wf duck was standing in an open rr noose 'creek, Vancouver Is)- quickly threw the fish out o* it there and killed it wit1 J. L. HART, Pacific naimo, B.C. new york botanical garden 024853 TRUMAN G. YUNCKER HERBARIUM OF DEPAUW UNIVERSITY (DPtl) PURCHASED BY NY IN 1987. *15351 DEPAUW UJN1V, HERBARIUM. PLANTS OF OTTAWA DISTRICT, ONT. DIVISION OF BOTANY, SCIENCE SERVICE DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, OTTAWA, CANADA „9857 COLL; W.G.Dore & LJiartin June 17,194 Aoer Negundo L# f. sanguineum L.Martin Beside temporary creek, mucky ground* 11 Biles west of Ottawa (along Highway No* 17, south side of road beyond viaduct), March Township, Carleton County, Ontario, (Samaras quite red, although changing to green« Ho seed foxming inside ovaries). (Growing near Type tree)« W.G.D« 1949 DET. 02485312
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Acer negundo L.