Acer glabrum var. diffusum (Greene) Smiley

  • Filed As

    Acer glabrum var. diffusum (Greene) Smiley

  • Collector(s)

    I. W. Clokey 8017, 30 Jun 1938

  • Location

    United States of America. Nevada. Clark Co.

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 2484013

    Occurrence ID: e7940adf-0356-4b95-b268-b828d22a0047

  • Feedback

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  • Region

    North America

  • Country

    United States of America

  • State/Province


  • County/Municipio

    Clark Co.

  • Coordinates

    36.2152, -115.014

  • Coordinate Uncertainty (m)


  • Georeferencing Method

    GEOLocate Web Application. Used GEOLocate Web Application (batch client) to georeference locality with high precision.

  • Geodetic Datum


  • Distribution

    Map all specimens of this taxon

, 1938
other field numb«»)	AC6T fflabrTJHl diffUSUlQ
Common name .
a, , Nevada / Forest and Range Expt. Sta.	=
State------------------------j National Forest-____________________Nevada_________________
County Clark____________ Locality North Fork of Deer Creek_______
«*1 r* rrr\t tr	(Sec.. T.. and R.. Thompson Meadow)
__________________________ Slope__________________ Soil_______________
(Steepness and direction)	(Deep clay
_________________________________ Type---------------------------------------------------------------------
loam, shallow coarse (ravel, etc.)	(Woodland, timber, park, etc.) (Weed, browse, crass) (Density in tenths)
(Principal associated plant* in order of abundanoe)
_____________________________________________________________________ Use_______________________________
____s _ _	4--I__(Over«rasin*. dose, moderate, licht)
Distribution .	--?9-5.t001________________ Abundance _______________________________
(Where generally found)
Forage value________________________________________________—----------------------------
(Palatability)	(Grased by C.. H.. S.. and Q.)	(Season erased)
Other data______________________________________________________---------------------
(Usual sise of plant) (Annual, biennial, or perennial) (Flower color)	(Flowering period)	(Period of seed
dissemination)	(Other notes)	T *ir m<i
Collector's name ...._____________________________Cejl-.