Eichhornia diversifolia (Vahl) Urb.

  • Filed As

    Eichhornia diversifolia (Vahl) Urb.

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 2461168

    Occurrence ID: d6780c29-f92d-4ebc-925a-36025ee5709f

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Flora of Bolivia
Family: Pontederiaceae
Eichhornia diversifolia (Vahl.) Urban
Determined by: N. Ritter (NHA), 1998
Department of Santa Cruz
Province of Velasco
Lago Caiman; a "bahia" which receives water from the
Rio Itenez during the rainy season, and is isolated
during the dry season. Elev: 200 meters. Center of the
collecting area: 13°36'2"S. 60°53'46"W.
Rooted macrophyte with linear
submerged leaves and cordate
floating leaves. Flowers lavender.
Extremely abundant throughout the
6/26/98	#4374
Collected by: N. Ritter, G. E. Crow , M. Garvizu and
P. Soliz.
Hodgdon Herbarium
University of New Hampshire