Symphoricarpos orbiculatus Moench

  • Filed As

    Symphoricarpos orbiculatus Moench

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 2458471

    Occurrence ID: 679d430b-f826-4584-8d12-70e97aa9a5b5

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1095. Symphoricaipos orbiculatus Moench.
Meth. 508 (l794); Robinson & Fernald in Gray, Man.
ed. 7, 757 (1908); Schneider, 111. Handb. Laubholzk. ii.
669, fig. 428 m-p (l91l); Bailey, Man. Cult. PI. 722
(1924) ; Rehder, Man. Cult. Trees & Shrubs, 812 (l927);
Deam, Shrubs Indiana, ed. 2, 826, t. 186 (l9S2); Rydb.
FI. Pr. & PI. 748 (l982); G.N. Jones in Journ. Arn. Arb.
xxi. 228 (l940).
Syn. Lonicera Symphoricarpos L. Sp. PI. 175 (l758). S.
vulgaris Michx. FI. Bor.-Am. i. 106 (1808); DC. Prod,
iv. 889 (l880); Torr. & Gray, FI. N. Am. ii. 4 (l84l);
Gray, Man. 171 (l848) et Syn. FI. i. pt. 2, 18 (l884).
S.Symphoricarpos (L.) Macmillan in Bull. Torr. Bot. Club,
xix. 15 (l892); Britton & Brown, 111. FI. iii. 286, fig.
8454 (1898); Small. FI. Se. U.S. 1124 (l903); Rydb.
FI. Rocky Mts. 818 (1918); Pennell in Addisonia, iii. 61,
t. Ill (1918).
Shrubs about 6 dm. high.
Abundant at edge of woods of Quercus macrocarpa and
Ulmus americana, along Sangamon River, Piatt County,
Illinois. Alt. ca. 200 m.
Coll. G.N.Jones (no. 1106l).
October 10, 1989.