Rubus pensilvanicus Poir.

  • Filed As

    Rubus pensilvanicus Poir.

  • Collector(s)

    M. Wolf 14 with Christopher Ruiz, 10 Jun 2014

  • Location

    United States of America. New York. Bronx Co. New York City. The New York Botanical Garden, South Arboretum, west of Bronx River, 75 ft. west of South Arboretum Road, 100 ft. south of intersection where Azalea Way ends in triangle with very large black oak. Near small unpaved path.

  • Habitat

    Secondary woods, mix of native and cultivated plants; dry, light shade with Deschampsia species, two 15 ft magnolia sp, oak sp seedlings.

  • Description

    Fertile and infertile canes collected. Approx 24-30 in tall; flowers 5 petals, white, with smaller light green sepals; fruit green; leaves tomentose, slightly lighter green underneath; 2 stipules at stem base; prickles flat and circling stem; prickles flat and green at base of cane; (foliage on infertile cane curled, shriveled on 1 petiole). Phenology of specimen: Flower and Fruit.

  • Notes (shown on label)

    Photo: Marc Wolf collection

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 02456350

    Occurrence ID: e80e63be-0159-4c6e-9942-07bcb3bf3092

  • Feedback

    Send comments on this specimen record

  • Region

    North America

  • Country

    United States of America

  • State/Province

    New York

  • County/Municipio

    Bronx Co.

  • City/Township

    New York City

  • Locality

    The New York Botanical Garden, South Arboretum, west of Bronx River, 75 ft. west of South Arboretum Road, 100 ft. south of intersection where Azalea Way ends in triangle with very large black oak. Near small unpaved path

  • Coordinates

    40.8575, -73.8775

  • Distribution

    Map all specimens of this taxon

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