Arundinaria tecta (Walter) Muhl.

Distribution of the A. C. Moore Herbarium (USCH) University of South Carolina	
Heritage Preserve Inventory
Lontgleaf Pine Heritage Preserve
' ’• 'Lee County, South Carolina
Arundinaria tecta (Walter) Muhl.	Poaceae
In Pond Pine savanna, on South side of western portion of main;-;
access road opposite RCW clusters. Open savanna dotted with
dense clusters of Zenobia on higher dry portions with
occassional depressions harboring Pond Pirle and Taxodium
ascendens. Longleaf Pine Heritage Preserve; 582374E
3762279N elev.145'.
Albert B. Pittman #08151109
Kathy A. Boyle
Herrick H. K. Brown (coll. & det.)
15 VIII 2011
South Carolina Heritage Trust Program