Solanum pentlandii Dunal

Solanum pentlandii Dunal
Peru, Dept. Ayacucho, Prov. Huamanga, along stream at low point
on road to Vilcashuaman, just after bridge over large quebrada and
before ascent to Vilcashuaman, Dist. Vilcashuaman; along stream in
Eucalyptus plantation, some montane forest species present.
13°35'18" S, 74°00'09" W Alt: 3109m.
Herb ca. 50 cm tall, 80 cm spread; flowers plae lavender, eye green;
fruit transparent green, immature, sepal tips reflexed in fruit.
Knapp, S. 10267	5 Mar 2012
with Gonzàles, P.; Matthews, A.; Sarkinen, T.
Collected as part of the project PBI Solanum - a world treatment funded by
the National Science Foundation (NSF) grant DEB-0316614, under
collection permit No 084-2012-AG-DGFFS-DGEFFS and export permit
008014-AG-DGFFS, Agricultural Ministry, Peru