Solanum pentlandii Dunal

Solanum pentlandii Dunal
Peru, Dept. Ayacucho, Prov. Vilcas Huaman, Vischongo, medium
sized quebrada at edge of town coming from Vilcashuaman, Dist.
Vischongo; highly disturbed streamside vegetation with Alnus,
bromeiiads and cacti on rocky walls.
13°33'52" S, 73°59'32" W Alt: 3212m.
Herb to 60 cm, at base of trees; stems winged; flowers pale
lavender, eye green, petals slightly reflexed; fruit green, sepal tips
reflexed in fruit.
Knapp, S. 10273	6 Mar 2012
with Gonzales, P.; Matthews, A.; Sarkinen, T.
Collected as part of the project PBI Solanum - a world treatment funded by
the National Science Foundation (NSF) grant DEB-0316614, under
collection permit No 084-2012-AG-DGFFS-DGEFFS and export permit
008014-AG-DGFFS Agricultural Ministry, Peru