Solanum gonocladum Dunal

Solanum gonocladum Dunal
Peru, Dept. Ayacucho, Prov. Huamanga, along river beyond
Rumichaca (the second Rumichaca, not the town at the junction of
Los Libertadoes and the Castrovirreyna road) on road to Ayacucho,
between Occoyo and Totorabamba, Dist. Vinchos; grazed fields with
patches of Polylepis forest.
13°20’32" S, 74°29'29" W Alt: 3664m.
Spreading herb from woody base to 30 cm tall; flowers pale purple,
darker striped abaxially, eye yellow-green (slightly brown-tinged);
calyx lobes dark, appressed In fruit; fruit green, hard and immature.
Knapp, S. 10241	4 Mar 2012
with Gonzales, P.; Matthews, A.; Sàrkinen, T.
Collected as part of the project PBI Solanum - a world treatment funded by
the National Science Foundation (NSF) grant DEB-0316614, under
collection permit No 084-2012-AG-DGFFS-DGEFFS and export permit
008014-AG-DGFFS. Agricultural Ministry, Peru