Solanum pentlandii Dunal

Solarium pentlandii DunaI
Sárkinen, T 2012
Peru, Dept. Puno, Prov Puno, Chucuito, Outskirts of Chucuito on
main road to Puno; on rocky open hillside.
15°53’02M S, 69053'36" W Alt: 3827m.
Low branching woody shrub; some leaves serrated, some entire;
leaf shape, texture and hairiness varies amongst individuals
observed; buds purple-white stripy; corolla lilac with green-yellow
eye, spreading to slightly reflexed at tips; fruits pale green, turning
darker, translucent green when mature, septa becoming visible
Sárkinen, T. 4057
with Matthews, A.; Gonzáles, P.
22 March 2012
Collected as part of the project PBI Solanum - a world treatment funded by
the National Science Foundation (NSF) grant DEB-0316614, under
collection permit No 084-2012-AG-DGFFS-DGEFFS and export permit
008014-AG-DGFFS, Agricultural Ministry, Peru